Make More Money? Are The Holes In Your Pocket Sown?
The Dream of Making Tons of money is every mans dream.
As A Black Brother its even more important to always have cash and to learn to make it.
We live in a society where money is next to important as air. To be without it can mean certain death or Imprisonment. Money can be a Black Man's Friend or our worst enemy .So It is key to know how to manage it and make it work for us.
I was shopping for a new Note Pad in a local Mall when i came across an Old Buddy of mines from an international marketing company.
The conversation went something like this :
Me: "Hey Charles, Whats up bro? Hows that marketing company going ?"
Charles: "Ahh Not too well i jump ship long time man, Things got boring , But everything else is pretty good. Ive managed to take the money made with them and invest it in this new venture i'm in."
Me: "Orr That sounds good man. Every time i see you , you always have money man. Mannn Give me the secret to that wealthy life style."
Charles: "Ha - Say Wealthy, I guess you can say that. But there is no real secret. You know its not how much Money you make its how much you keep."
Me: "Come on Mann Smt, Don't give me that everybody knows that .
Bey, Whats the real Secret."
Charles: "I telling you bey , Een no secret. Hmmm......
Ok let me put it this way
You see that bottle of water you have right?"
Me: "Yea" (sips water)
Charles : "Look at it , what you see?"
Me: "I see a bottle with water in it bey......
Smt i tryna learn how to make more money and you giving me this science experiment type ish."
(Charles takes a knife out of his pocket and stabs the bottle. Water began to drip out)
Me: "What you do that for bey? Now all the water ga leak out, You gat one mop a bey?"
Charles : "Exactly,
Imagine the water is money."
Me : "Orr ya bey i see dat , Thats why i don't trust Banks nah bey. When they hold ya money it is disappear slowly, with all them fees and thing."
Charles: "Lion , Govern your self. Think smart mannn.
That hole represents your expenses.
Now matter how much money you make , your expenses ga take away from it."
Me: "Or ya bey..... and the bigger the whole the faster it ga leak on the floor."
Charles : "Bingo!
So the Moral of the story is........... REDUCE YOUR EXPENSES!"
Me: "Thanks bey , i understand now........
But you owe me for this bottle of water doe."
Charles: "That's your expense to learn this lesson."
I Know you enjoyed that conversation brother.......
Now lets put this into perspective :
Your Expenses are what determine how wealthy you really are.
If you Reduce them, the more money you keep.(The more you can invest )
Here are five five steps to reducing your expenses :
1 Get a sheet of paper and make a list of what you spend money on from day to day . It should represent your expenses of the week.
2 On the list range your expenses from :
Important - least important
Eg : Hair cut : Important
Rent : Least important
Ps : Don't Be this Black guy ^
3 Create a plan and build up the guts to eliminate the Unnecessary :
Your Gym membership Can go-- You can opt to work out at home - More on this on Tuesday
4 Get a nice Graphic designed of your new expense list of the week.
5 Allocate funds specifically to each area :
eg: What you spend on food , rent , car etc.
Take out only what is needed nothing more.
There you have it.
It has been your brother Kinitro
Until next time